How to Set Up Outlook for Office365

Before starting the process, Please make sure that

•You have internet connection

•Outlook application (on your computer) is closed

•You have created your permanent password for your account on

•If you don’t know how to create a permanent password, please contact with IT Dept.


•Go to Control Panel (You can find it in start menu on the right, under “Computer”)

•Search for “Mail” by using the search bar in upper-right corner 

•"Mail" or "Mail32" Item will be come up. Click or double-click on it


•Mail setup window will pop-up. Click on “Show Profiles”

•Remove all the profiles shown on the list by selecting them and clicking on “Remove” button.

•Click “Ok” to close “Profile” window and “Close” to close Mail Setup window.


Step 3:

•Open Outlook Software. If it is not on your desktop, you can search for it from start menu. Just type “Outlook” it will come up. Right-click on it, go to “Send to”, and select “Desktop (create shortcut)”. It will create an outlook shortcut on your desktop

•Outlook may ask you to put a profile name. It can be anything you want (Office365 suggested).

•Put your full name, email address and password on the next screen, then click “Next”

•If your name and email are already on the window, then click “Next”, you will see the window below.

•Change your email address to (email) 

•Put the password you created on (if you haven’t created your password, yet, please do so first.)


You are all set

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